Magazine photo

— The Classic —

Design graphique | mise en page

Le magazine The Classic est un semestriel dédié à la photographie d’art créé en 2018 par Michael Diemar et Bruno Tartarin. Très apprécié des acteurs du monde de la photographie, ce magazine imprimé et gratuit consacre ses numéros à la photographie d’art de l’ère pré-numérique. Il propose des articles sur des collectionneurs, des conservateurs, des galeries, des marchands ou des restaurateurs avec des interviews illustrés par des photographies. Le magazine présente également des actualités du secteur de la photographie et consacre un focus sur les célèbres foires internationales de la photographie Paris Photo et The Photography Show à New-York.

Extraits du projet

Equipe du projet



Michael DIEMAR

Rédacteur en chef


Directeur artistique

Jasmine DURAND

Design graphique



Les mots de Michael Diemar

I am the editor-in-chief of The Classic, a high-end magazine devoted to the predigital era of fine art photography. The magazine was founded in late 2018 by Bruno Tartarin and myself. The first issue was launched at The Photography Show – Presented by AIPAD in New York in April of the following year.

It was a brave move to launch a print magazine, at a time when “print is dead” had become a slogan in the magazine sector. The Classic was launched to great acclaim and was immediately hailed by curators, collectors, gallerists, dealers, archivists and conservators, the target audience. Since then, the magazine has grown and grown in stature and has reached an even bigger audience as it’s now also published in digital form. In fact, the audience for classic photography thinks of it as “their magazine”.

The graphic design has been of fundamental importance to the success of The Classic. Mike Derez and Jasmine Durand have turned images and text into an irresistible package. Their work never fails to amaze me, nor the readers. I regularly hear comments like, “It’s the most beautiful photography magazine in the world.”