
The Photography Show.

Design graphique & mise en page de la nouvelle mouture 2024 du catalogue.

Le catalogue d’exposition 2024 de la foire internationale de la photographie The Photography Show (presented by Aipad) fait peau neuve. Initié par Michael Diemar et Aipad, le projet a consisté à concevoir un nouveau catalogue au format plus grand et plus complet qui s’inspire du magazine photo The Classic. Des articles et des interviews viennent désormais enrichir le catalogue, en complément de la liste des exposants et des informations sur le salon. L’identité visuelle de l’Aipad s’articule autour du cercle et d’une palette de trois couleurs. Le design graphique du catalogue s’est basé sur ces éléments ainsi que sur une nouvelle typographie et orientation des titres.


Equipe du projet

Michael DIEMAR

Rédacteur en chef





Jasmine DURAND

Design graphique


Retouche d’images

Les mots de Michael Diemar

In November 2023, I was approached in my capacity as editor-in-chief of the magazine The Classic, by a member of AIPAD about the possibilities of our editorial and design team producing the catalogue for the 2024 edition of the associations fair, The Photography Show.

AIPAD hadn’t produced a print catalogue since 2019. To produce a catalogue once again, was a way to mark the importance of the 2024 edition, that the fair was returning to its historic location, the prestigious Park Avenue Armory. In mid-January, our team was given the task. AIPAD had liked the idea I had proposed in November, to give the catalogue a partial magazine feel, with interviews and articles, in addition to the fair programme and exhibitor information. I had also made clear that there wasn’t enough time to come up with a completely new design solution,and that we would have to apply the templates from The Classic to the catalogue.

Jasmine Durand was put in charge of the graphic design of the catalogue, and in very subtle and elegant ways, she joined our existing templates with AIPAD’s branding, its colours and the famous circles, giving the catalogue its own identity.
The results were beyond my expectations, and AIPAD’s committee as well as its members.

Autres témoignages

Irene, NJ and I just paged through it and it is really spectacular (…). I simply have to say a massive thank you for this. It is a true testament to AIPAD and The Classic and my appreciation is profound.

Lydia Melamed Johnson

Executive Director of Aipad

This catalogue is gorgeous! Please thank your whole team from all of us at The MUUS Collection! (…) I shared the previous pdf with Michael Sonnenfeld. To say that he loved what you and your team did is to put it mildly! He was super impressed I feel the same.

Richard Grosbard

Advisor to MUUS Collection